8Kg/10Kg Dry cleaning machine Perc.Solvent Progress 20 Xtreme Club

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8Kg/10Kg Dry cleaning machine Perc.Solvent

Progress 20 Xtreme Club


  • Innovative computer touch screen “I-BRAIN”
  • Innovative strengthened drying system, with thermo-delicate action “DRYCARE” with exclusive air re-circulation system with dynamic flow
  • New “JET ENERGY DRIVE” still made of stainless steel with original thermic solvent recovery system and reduced energy consumption
  • Totally enclosed system with highly efficient heat pump
  • Ecological filtration system with double satellite converging rotation of the second generation with new “NO FLEX SYSTEM” ® mini-micron filter discs
  • Two automatic self-cleaning tanks
  • Button trap and air filter with special ECOVISION look-through covers for ecological inspection
  • Still condenser made of special anti-corrosion material
  • Fully made of stainless steel: drum, still, recovery, button trap, filters, separator
  • Pre-set for connection with Multisorb® system
  • And much more …

Technical Specifications

  • Capacity 8/10 kg
  • Measures 1000x1900x1950

Progress perc dry cleaning machines

The PROGRESS range incorporates an important part of the professionalism of those operating in the field of the treatment of textile goods.

Join us to enter into the new Springtime of Dry Cleaning:

To say that a Renzacci dry cleaning machine “is good for our health and is good for our wallet”, certainly is not just a nice slogan, but a reality of fact motivated by many very important issues:

  • Ranges of dry cleaning machines PROGRESS operating with Perchlorethylene, from 6 to 160 kg (13 to 355 lb.)load capacity with new and exclusive systems linked with ECO INNOVATION, to knock down to the minimum the consumption of solvent, water, energy and time guaranteeing at the same time the highest quality of the results, user’s friendliness and insignificant maintenance.
  • Ranges of dry cleaning machines EXCELLENCE operating with alternative and natural solvents, available with a rich choice from 11 to 90 kg (25 to 198 lb.) load capacity, which open the era of the NATURAL CLEANING, where the traditional concept of dry cleaning is definitely replaced by the new bio dry cleaning machine and by the NEW ERA OF THE BIOCLEANER’S.

Within this very wide range many are the solvents used, to start with the new hydrocarbon-based solvents, both isoparaffinic and siliconic, to continue with SOLVON K4®, GREEN EARTH®, DRYSOLV®, RYNEX®, GENEX® ETC. …

The flexibility of Renzacci’s: thousand solutions … plus YOUR’S!!

  • There is always a Renzacci dry cleaning machine for every requirement whatsoever, for the very reason that the offer, from which the worldwide customers can benefit today, is very large, not only in terms of the load capacity of the plenty of models of the Renzacci dry cleaning division ranging from 6 up to 160 kg (13 to 355 lb.), but also because of the almost infinite series of models and personalisations available, among which we remind:
  • Wide Front & Wide Front Compact: designed to use only first-class raw materials, with the traditional care for details that only Renzacci can ensure.
  • Space Savers:Extremely complete ranges, engineered for all those whose first problem is to solve the question of the very small room in the work facility and/or the high cost for its utilization.
  • Modular & TWIN models: to combine two machines -even of different capacity- making them work together although maintaining their operating independence.

The future is now: so many the Renzacci patents available for dry cleaning.

It is since almost 50 years that Renzacci S.p.A. “anticipates the future” of dry cleaning with the many patents protecting worldwide the exclusiveness that only this company can give its collaborators for its most advanced dry cleaning machines. Amongst the many machines we remind in short only some of the models famous all over the world:

  • HYGENA SUN 2001™: the exclusive series of dry cleaning machines at ultraviolet rays, the only ones to proffer not only cleaning of the highest quality, but also an efficient and additional antibacteria action.
  • Speed Master ®:the revolutionary dry cleaning machine, the speediest in the world boasting the largest number of immitation attempts. The exclusive Stills with optimized thermic output, unequalled for efficiency and low consumptions.
  • NO-FLEX® FILTRATION TECHNOLOGY:the filtering system using the most advanced cloths of super-filtration materials with high output.
  • WINDJET®:the new strengthened drying system, unbeatable in speed and energy saving.
  • ECOWASTE®:the leading device for protection of the ecology in the work environment.
  • ICECARE®:the revolutionary system of built-in temperature control.
  • MULTISORB®:the most advanced solution available today for the elimination of pollution and smells on garments.

International Prizes and Awards

THE THOUSANDS OF CUSTOMERS OPERATING EVERY DAY OUR MACHINES IN 120 COUNTRIES ALL OVER THE WORLD HAVE FOR EVER BEEN THE GREATEST SATISFACTION OF OUR COMPANY, and many are the times, when nationally and internationally Renzacci has received important and dreamt-of prizes and awards in the industrial sector and that of the economical/manufacturing activities. We remind, just as an example, the important awards received, such as the QUALITY PRIZE ITALY, the GOLD MERCURY, the particular mention in AWARD for the GOLD MEDAL OF THE ENGINEERING EXHIBITION AT BRNO and the innumerable certifications recognizing us as the leading manufacturer in research and application of the policies linked with TOTAL QUALITY OF THE INDUSTRIAL COMPANIES (COMPANY WIDE QUALITY CONTROL)..

The strictest approvals and certifications worldwide

The quality of the dry cleaning machines and the new technologies of Renzacci’s is continuously certified for its numerous advantages by the rigorous tests carried out in collaboration with the major institutes operating at international level, and it is worthwhile emphasizing in this context that the Renzacci dry cleaning division boasts the highest number of approvals existing all over the world today, amongst which we would like to quote just some of the more significant examples:

  • CE (Europe)
  • NF (France)
  • CSA (Canada)
  • ETL (U.S.A.)
  • MEA (New York City)
  • Workcover Authority (Australia)
  • TÜV (Germany)
  • Ceske Inspecke (Czech Republic)
  • GOST (Russia)
  • HU Compliance (Hungary)